This week we will take a look at an app that basically runs my whole life: Google Calendar, as well as a great video on avoiding procrastination. 🧠
App Spotlight: Google Calendar 📅

What is Google Calendar? 📩
GCal is a free calendar app for any platform that allows users to create and edit events. While many people use this software, there are SO many features that are overlooked such as multi-calendar usage, google suites integration, and multi-faceted reminders that will be discussed in the following weeks.
Why should I download Google Calendar? 📱
This is, by far, my most used application. I use Google Calendar to plan every aspect of my life. It provides me with accountability and reduces stress surrounding deadlines. It can feel like a lot of work to plan events and leave it to your steel-trap brain, but I promise once you get into the habit of scheduling your life, you'll find a rhythm you never experienced before.
I really recommend giving it a try! It is very intuitive and can send crucial reminders about events you may forget about.
How is it structured? ◘
It provides many different views of your weekly events! I'll go into more detail on how to create different calendars and reminders in the future but for now here is what mine looks like:

Okay, I’m interested. How do I download this free resource? 😲
All you have to do is search for it on the App Store! You can also find the web version here.
Video of the Week: 5 things that help me avoid procrastination 💰
What is this video about? 🧠
This is a video created by one of YouTube's leading productivity gurus, Matt D'Avella, and provides a new sense for the origin of procrastination: that it is fueled by the "let's do it later" mindset rather than "let's not do it at all" mindset that humans are so adverse to. His daily ritual includes 5 things:
Coffee: While Matt seems to have almost an obsession with coffee, personally, I don't drink it. Many, many college students are fueled by this caffeine and it can lead to a strong dependence. (Which Matt experienced during his 30 day challenge.) He attributes the success with coffee not to the coffee itself, but rather the behavioral pattern of "getting coffee, doing work".
Hand-written To-do Lists: As opposed to a digital option, this allows him to limit his tasks. He really likes seeing things in a weekly view, a tendency I also make (and also utilize with Google Calendar).
Finding Solitude: There's not much to say about this one! Stillness motivates action.
Headphones and Instrumentals: This really builds off the last point! I highly recommend investing in a solid pair of noise-cancelling headphones and finding some good instrumental music like this.
Eliminating Distractions: This is, again, similar to the last two. Matt recommends the Freedom app that blocks distracting sites. I'll get back to you all about my review of the app!
Don’t forget to check out my guide on Winno and thanks for reading the third issue of HumanOS!
- Ariz, HumanOS Creator ⚡️
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Thoughts? I'd love to hear them! Email me back!